Our model is based on what we have learned over the years working with so many great providers: churches, organizations, agencies, and other shelters, both locally and around the country. In that research we have found that the best way to provide something, is to bring it directly to someone.
Our facility will have 45 individual sleeping rooms as well as 6 flex-offices designed for groups, organizations, and agencies to come in and provide their services to our guests.
Our goal will be to provide and coordinate everything that may be needed for our guests, giving them the best opportunity to move forward into independent stability, from housing to everyday living.
We intend to have a positive impact on the entire community, however, cannot control all things associated with homelessness in Pottstown.
We are a community organization doing all we can to have a positive impact on a community issue that directly or indirectly affects us all, none of us are in this alone.
If you or your organization would like more information on partnerships, please fill out the form below.
Year-round 24/7 45 SRO Bridge Housing & Wrap-Around Project
We are currently under Agreement of Sale for property located at 601 W High Street. This property is in the Borough of Pottstown. We were granted the necessary zoning use variance on September 28, 2022, for this site.
Pottstown Beacon of Hope’s Permanent Shelter will be available to adults only that meet all intake requirements. (See below questions for more details)
We will continue to coordinate and work with Domestic Violence and Family Shelters to send referrals as needed, however we will not have dedicated space for either.
We received a grant to cover the costs of property acquisition and the construction of our building.
Operational funding will continue to come from donations, fundraising, and private grants.
Our plan outlines 45 individual rooms for guests. We will continue our policy of only providing our program services to Pottstown residents experiencing homelessness.
During Montgomery County issued Code Blue nights we will be able to add an additional 10 cots.
There will always be a minimum of 3 staff members on site. We will have 3 during the overnight hours, whereas during the day there will also be volunteers, administrative staff, kitchen staff, case management staff, etc. on site.
Our staff will be limited to case management, kitchen, maintenance and cleaning, administration, and supervision. All program assistance will be provided by agencies and organizations established within the community.
We plan and expect to have established organizations and agencies from within the community coming in regularly to provide their services to our guests. These will include, but not limited to, •Street Medicine •Street Outreach •Legal Aid •Insurance Advocacy •Clergy/Church Bible Study •Psychiatric Care Providers •Physical Therapy Providers •Art Classes •Montco Family Services •Genesis Housing •Employment agencies •Job readiness preparation •GED Classes •Landlord/property management •Parenting classes •Dept of Public Safety •Vaccine clinics •Anger management classes •Recovery meetings •Financial Management classes •Relationship classes, and more to come!
Education and supportive services are critical to fostering long-term stability, we are extremely grateful for all who have made the commitment to partner with us.
Intake will take place during the day. We will start by having potential guests fill out necessary intake paperwork, verifying Pottstown eligibility, running their name through different legal checks following our safety policy, and a drug and alcohol screening.
This will be followed by intake with one of our case managers, where they will outline and create their individualized care plan together. Their care plan will consist of goals, plans, action steps necessary, and a timeline to complete them.
We have required this documentation since our second year operating the Warming Center.
We define Pottstown eligibility as established ties to the community going back at least 24 months. We accept letters from case workers from healthcare providers, pay stubs from employers, ID or driver’s license, as well as proof of benefit letters (EBT, SNAP, SSI, SSDI, Medicaid, Medicare) all of which are tied to a physical address. All these documents must be able to meet requirements.
When they do not, we do our best to find a bed for said individual at one of our partner shelters, detox or rehab facility, recovery house, etc. We also coordinate and often facilitate transportation back to their community and support network.
We will be requiring all guests to be clean and sober to remain in the program. If we have an intake that screens positive and is in requires detox/rehab we will coordinate and get them the help they need. If someone screens positive for something that doesn’t require detox, such as marijuana, part of their individualized care plan and timeline will be to test negative within the appropriate time frame.
Yes, we will have a commercial kitchen that will provide 3 meals per day, along with healthy snacks throughout.
The timeline for how long a guest stays with us will vary based on their individual needs and abilities. Our goal is to average a 6 month turn-around from unhoused to independent stability.
The individualized care plan and case managers will work on the guests’ goals, timeline, and action items throughout their stay with us, ensuring they and we are using the time as best as we can.
Absolutely! There will be plenty of opportunities to serve in many different areas, both with us and the other agencies and organizations that will utilize our space.
Our Mission
Pottstown Beacon of Hope’s mission is based on hope, love, and grace and a willingness to come alongside Pottstown residents experiencing homelessness, by providing year-round emergency shelter and working together towards creating a better community for all.